Booking information

Booking Information

Important for your holidays

In written form: e-mail or letter. If prices in the reservation confirmation differ (writing or printing errors), the daily listed prices always apply.
Arrival and Departure

You can cancel free of charge up to 1 month before departure. After that, the cancellation conditions according to the General Terms and Conditions of the Hotel Industry ( AGBH) apply: 

from 1 month before arrival 70%, from one week before arrival 90% of the arrangement price. In case of no-show or early departure we charge 100%.  To save costs we recommend: 

We recommend that you take out European travel insurance

Free to use for our guests in the entire hotel.

Late Check In
For arrivals later than 8pm we kindly ask you to contact us, so that we can communicate all the needed information for your late check in.

Late Check Out / Early Check In
depending on availability and at additional costs

Cancellation policy

You can cancel free of charge up to 1 month before departure. After that, the cancellation conditions according to the General Terms and Conditions of the Hotel Industry ( AGBH) apply: 

from 1 month before arrival 70%, from one week before arrival 90% of the arrangement price. In case of no-show or early departure we charge 100%.  To save costs we recommend: 

We recommend that you take out European travel insurance


Extra charges
Visitor's tax: charged separately
Adults: winter: € 5,00 / summer: € 3,00 per day | Kids up to 15 y.: free

Non-smoking facilities
We kindly ask for your understanding that smoking is not permitted. Neither in any room/apartment nor in the restaurant.

Parking / Underground parking
Depending on availability, € 12.00 for the entire stay.

Please understand, that due to our guest's wishes, we don't allow pets.
Payment methods
Cash, debit card, Visa, Mastercard

For binding reservations we ask for a deposit of 30% of the booked total amount. (to pay after receiving our booking confirmation).

Bank data:

Dorfstadl Appartements GmbH

Sparkasse Imst AG

Kontonummer:  00000-852285 / Bankleitzahl:  20502

IBAN: AT49 20502 00000852285 / BIC: SPIMAT21XXX
